Monday, November 21, 2016

Bitch Get Your Mind Right!

Make you say unnnnnnhhhh! I never understood why Master P named his company No Limit Records... I looked up this song because the mantra "Bitch, get your mind right!" The words telling you they are "no limit soldiers, I thought I told you." Two things: They are claiming no limits to the level of success they could attain...and second, they telling you they spoke that shit into existence.

What are your limits? Why? Don't create any limitations, just start taking steps towards what it is you really really desire. Be a no limit soldier and speak into existence what it is what you desire. And be sure to speak in present tense. For example,
I am wealthy. I am a successful business owner.
I am the most after motivational speaker.
I am impacting a billion peoples minds, lives, and bank accounts.
I am healing.
I am perseverance.
I am the person I desire to come.
 ... And so it is! Affirmations and mirror work are major when it comes to transformations, reprogramming your subconscious mind and laying the mental and emotional groundwork for success. If you are new to the practices, they may feel funny-akward at first. With the right client (meaning the open, receptive type), I tell them to take mirror work a step further by standing in their best superhero pose while stating affirmations. They don't call it transformations for the hell of it. You will literally feel like you went from being a little yellow car to a super powerful autobot.

So, I hope you listen to the song and get hype, ignore all the thug talk, unless you feelin gangsta, lol. The moral of the story is get yor mind right friends. The next level of success awaits!

Be Happy. Be Healthy. Be You!

Miss Understoodmimi

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

I'm Baaaaack!

I know it's been a while, but sometimes we have to step back from the drawing board to make sure we are creating that which we desire.... OR we just fell off track, did a little back-sliding, or declared a break. In my time away I have grown tremendously as person and business owner. The opportunities that were presenting themselves to me were the very kind I said I was looking for. But guess what I did? I ran and hid under a pile of excuses, good reasons and fuckery. What can I say? I am a spirit having a human experience. And lately I have been feeling like I am having a caterpillar-cocoon experience awaiting to bust out my wings and take flight.

Have you been feeling that way too? Like your current reality (or should I say illusion of reality) doesn't really represent what's going on with you. Do any you feel like you know something major is about to pop off? Almost like you don't know what, but you do because you know what you have been hoping and praying for. You know what you have been believing and trusting the law of the Universe for. It can feel confusing and comforting at the same time. Friends let me share this: Your breakdown and breakthrough points are very close in proximity. It can be likened to the difference between sleep and meditation. Are you going to slip into slumber, or are you going to remain conscious gaining higher awareness? Are you going to buckle under pressure or are you going align with the fact that pressure forms diamonds and pearls. Or are you going to remember that fire burns the dross off, purifying the silver? Are you glitter that can be shaken off? Or have you recognized that you gold.

One of my nicknames is Golden Lady. As I type this blog, it has more meaning and value than ever. I AM golden. I AM gold. I AM solid. I have withstood the fire. I AM on fire! Everything I touch turns to gold. I AM the person I desire to become. I AM taking flight! I AM capable. I AM worthy. I AM a champion! I AM enough! I AM confident. I AM certain. I AM deserving of what I desire. I AM transformed. I AM brand new! I AM possible! I AM that I AM. I AM fulfilling my destiny!

Now let's go create the day and life we desire and deserve. I love you! I believe in you. No matter what someone thinks or says, no matter where we have been and done... I believe that we will win!

Be Happy. Be Healthy. Be You!

Mimi Leut

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Are You Committed???

Are You Committed???


First thing I learned in network marketing is that you must be committed and coachable. Network marketing taught me lots about business in general, but that was the most important element. Business is not always about who can do what the best, but it is about who can last. 

There lots of smart and talented people out there who are not least not according to the people around them. Please believe I know. My family and even guys Ive dated felt like "You're smart. Why don't you just go get a job like a normal person?" First of all, I will NEVER be normal. Second I believe I am unemployable. Not that it is beneath me to work for someone, but there is a God above me who has planted visions in me. I am not here to live my life to appease those around me. To my ex who said, "Just go get a job making 60k a year," I can't get rich making 60k a year, not enough commas dear. More importantly like him, I would not have the time to invest in my dreams because I will be busy busting my ass to make someone else's dreams a reality. No deal!

See the thing is I ... I AM COMMITTED TO ME! I am committed to what I desire and believe about myself. I am committed to seeing my dreams through. I am committed to my goals. Thank God I chose the perfect parents for my journey. I spoke to my father recently and was reminded that I was doing well. He said that everything I have been working towards, believing in is in the making. All the experiences and the experience I have is coming together. He was proud that I have stayed the course. Hearing that gave me some reprieve, just like when I read Business of the 21st Century.

Robert Kiyosaki and his wife lived out of their car and some more. Their "people" didn't understand either. They couldn't comprehend to two talented, educated individuals not living the American dream. If you ask me the American dream is for suckers. They tell us to go to school, get good grades and go to college. When we get to college you are forced one to pick one area, that probably won't have anything to do with what actually have a career in. Then you graduate owing some mystery lady named Sallie Mae thousands of dollars, that most of us never pay off. That's a real commitment huh?

Listen folks, entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart. It's not one of those things you feel like doing. We have to be committed no matter how we feel. We have to be committed when the sun don't shine and be grateful for rainy days. We have to be willing to look, feel and sound silly to others. You have to be ready to face rejection, over and over and over....and over again. We have to be willing to hear no and say no. We have to challenge, support and encourage ourselves. We have to keep pushing when our team doesn't, when our team gives up, gives in or quits. Commitment means staying loyal to what you said you were going to do, long after the mood you said it in has left.

If you are reading this chances are, you know the struggle. If you have't witnessed your world seemingly turn upside down, you will. Stay the course my friends! Winners never quit, quitters never win. So there is only one thing left to say. Are you committed??? 

Be committed. Be happy. Be healthy. Be You!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Excuse Me, What's My Motivation?

Excuse Me, What's My Motivation?

I sometimes have days where I think Who's going to motivate me? Who's supposed to motivate the motivatorI found the answer in an interview with Robert Danzig, where he asked the same question. The answer he received, "You do, or you'll never be a leader."

I remember a gospel song that said to encourage yourself. Those words brought me through many hard, lonely times in life. I grew up in an environment where I learned to be independent, fast. I'm grateful for the trying experiences that yielded a survivor. Reminding myself that I've gotten through 100% of my days, it may feel more like 98%. But I'm here now, evidence I made it through.

You will survive whatever situation you are facing. The Bible says to count it all joy because Universe is methodically providing the lessons and exercises needed to manifest your deepest desires and dreams. You got this. You are capable. You are enough. You were built for this.

Now get yourself together! Put on your big boy pants and big girl shoes. Go spend a minute in the mirror telling you how awesome you are. Tell yourself what you expect and that you deserve it. You deserve whatever your heart desires. What you desire, desires you.

Now, watch this video, because its funny and will make you smile. It's the motivation behind the title of this blog... And I have quoted this commercial since it came out in the 2000's. 

I love and believe in you. I believe that we will win!
Be Happy. Be Healthy. Be You!

Extra Videos & Stuff...

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Unplug Your TV

This is a throwback video that I hope you take a few minutes to watch.  Don't forget to share!

Be Happy. Be Healthy. Be You!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

ITS WEDNESDAY! What's Cookin with Mimi Leut?

This is a quick meal that is easy to make. Serve this to your guests and they will think you are a gourmet chef. Doesn't take long to cook. Its got protein, veggies and fruit!