Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Help Wanted

“You can only help people how they desire to be helped and in a way that you feel comfortable helping…anything else is resistance.” -JWP

I have always prided myself on being a helper, a helpmate. Often on my journey I have met lots of resistance from my helpees. Its frustrating! Like dammit I AM trying to help you, what’s your  problem? We often wonder why someone doesn’t or won’t accept the help (we deem) they need. 

There’s a multitude of reasons why someone may not accept assistance. Very often Ego is the culprit. Ego is the one that usually heads up the conscious thinking we do, basing its perception on past experiences, assumptions and judgments. The judgement can be against themselves or the one offering help. Ego makes a person think, Why do you want to help me? What’s in it for you?  You think you’re better than me? or I’m grown. I’m supposed to do this on my on. I don't wanna have to hear about this later. 

And on the other side of the coin is when you decide to help someone and they take your helping them to another level. I guess it's the old cliché , "give a person an inch, they take a yard." You know you offer to help a lil, next thing you know a person has dropped all their responsibilities in your lap. Now you're overwelmed and no longer feeling good about helping, feeling like you wish you never got involved. So what happened, and what do you do now???

We have to be clear about is what we are we are willing and capable of doing to help someone. And when it is our turn to receive help, let's not allow ego to step in the middle of things. Open your mind and self to receive the help that is being provided. Both parties should feel some level of comfort and satisfaction. Until next timemy friends, be happy, be haelthy, be you. I LOVE YOU!!! 

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

GOD says yes!

Greetings love bugs! 

Sometimes life seems like it doesn't work out the way we want, but it always works out for you and your greater good in the end. Be alert to the path that is being lit up for you. Attempt not to be resistant to the present moment, the people currently present your life, or the feelings you feel. At some point, you have launched a rocket of desire in which Universe is responding to. Unfortunately, sometimes the response isn't what we're looking for, blessings don't always come wrapped with a bow. Sometimes we go through conditioning, you know like runners beginning track season. Know and trust that GOD always says yes to you. 

You:    I'm broke and need some money! 
GOD:  Yes you are, yes you do. 
You:    I am happy and abundant in every area of my life.
GOD:  Yes you are.

So, what is it that you would like GOD to say yes to??? 

ASK and you will receive. SEEK and you will find. KNOCK and the door will be opened to you. It is done!

 I LOVE YOU and CREATE the day and life you desire!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Unphuck Your Self!

In the story of the Prodigal Son, (Luke 15:11-32) it says "he came to himself.." Where did his Self go? 

What happened was Self was present but Ego was reigning supreme. It is ego that affords you to judge yourself and others, not recognizing that those we encounter are mere reflections of us. Do not allow external noise to drown out the voice of Spirit, cloud your vision or influence to dilute the very essence of your being. You are a being of Light and Love. You are made of stardust dammit! LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! 

Phuck the nay-sayers, discouraging loved ones and haters (who really envy you). Encourage yourself and encourage your Self to rightfully claim position as Captain of your ship. We as humans are blessed with an inner guidance system that if turned on, and tuned in, will perfectly direct us to our desired Self and physical manifestations. So whomever or whatever happened that convinced you not be You....forget all of that. Forgive the the people. Forgive yourself. Forgive God. REMEMBER your greatness! Remember who you were and are. Remember what you are still capable of being and doing. If people don't receive you in all your luster, let their dull azzes fade away...

Until next time lovebugs.... I BELIEVE THAT WE WILL WIN!

p.s. Watch this video real quick... I Believe We Will Win by Mimi Leut