Wednesday, August 31, 2016

DIY: How To Use The Law Of Attraction

Dear Mimi,First, I want to tell you that your work is really motivating and changing mindsets. Thank you. Now I don’t want to sound stupid, but what exactly is the law of attraction? 
Curious Georgette -Los Angeles, CA 

Great question! I am glad the question asked; someone else is probably wondering the same thing . I know I mention law of attraction, LOA for short, quite often. Today we’ll talk about briefly what the law is and share 5 easy steps to use the law of attraction. 

The law of attraction is simply states that like attracts like. Thats's probably why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer right? Right. Whatever we concentrate our focus, or energy is what becomes manifest. The person that focuses on their abundance, tends to experience more abundant opportunities and experiences. The person who looks at life from the perception of lack, generally attract more lack, bills and negative experience. The Universe gives us what we expect. Us, westerners are more familiar with the term karma, what goes around, comes around, you get what you give, reap what you sew, etcetera. Basically the same premise. So forget about trying to clearly define it, let's talk about how to use this real, and very effective tool to create the life experience we desire. I found this handy-dandy little chart that spells it out pretty good. 

First you must decide what it is you truly desire. Form a clear picture as detailed as possible. I am sure you have had enough experiences to figure out what you do and don't want. My post Confusion Brings Clarity talks about that more. 

Now you know what you want, go ahead...ask for it. Don't be timid about what your heart desires. Don't care what anyone else cares, thinks or says. This is your life dammit. You can dream as big and wide as you want. Kanye West's lyrics come to mind often," If I always pray to have gleam on $300 jeans on, do that mean I dream wrong? " NO! Absolutely not. I did a talk once entitled "Honda Dreams" explaining that some people just have dreams of drving a Honda, while there those of us who desire Benz or better. To each his own. 

Ok, we know what we want and we asked for it, next we have to feel it. How will you feel when your desired outcome shows up? Focus on that feeling, nothing else, no doubt, no potential pitfalls, no haters, no nothing that does not feel good. Got that? Good. 

The next step is to offer gratitude to your God or higher power. Offer thanks in advanced. Just how you order your food at McD's, pay the cashier and say thank you, trusting that your food will be delivered. It's that simple! 

Lastly, trust the process. Trust your God. Trust the laws of the Universe to methodically serve you your highest, greatest good. However, do NOT be attached to the outcome. Also, don't try to control the situation or manipulate energy to bend your way. Source Energy got this boo! I often ask people if you wanna do everything, what is there left for God to do? 

Alright lovebugs, we have a plan. Let's follow it and see what materializes. I love to hear from you all. Feel free to email me your questions or results. In the meantime and between time, you know I love you. I believe in you. I believe that we will win!

Be Happy. Be Healthy. Be You!

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