Thursday, July 14, 2016

What's Your WHY?

Have you ever thought about what your "why" is? This week my focus has been on Focus itself. We've identified how to give focus to our vision, now what gives us focus in life? At my very first 5LINX International Training Convention I learned that why stood for 

               W hat
               H urts
               Y  ou   

So take a moment to think about it, what hurts you? What situation is bothering you? What difference do you want to make in the world? Whose life or lives do you want to change? What drives you to keep pushing? What problem do you think if you were in a better financial position? 

Be careful in allowing money to be your motivation. Your goal and dream will drive you more if it is not money related. Your WHY must be so strong, it will make you cry. If your WHY can make you cry, it can make you wake up in the morning, jumping out of bed, running to scratch the first thing off your agenda, to-do list, or first line of business. 

Now that you have figured out your WHY, find something to remind you of that WHY such as a picture. Definitely write it down. "It was written." Writing down our ideas reenforce them and give us an opportunity to get clear. Your WHY is tied to your purpose.  

On that quote, Im out...I love you. I believe in you. And I believe that we will win!

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