Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Procrastination is Masturbation: Your Phucking Yourself in the End

DeMarco and Timothy Lister said it best “there are a million ways to lose a work day, but not even a single way to get one back. “

Everyday I think “I need to blog… today!” In the utopia of my mind, I am sharing a new blog with you daily. I have a plethora of information and anecdotes to share. What is the problem? Time? We, rather I have PLENTY of available time. Don’t know how to prioritize? Please believe, as a trained organizer I know how to prioritize and design a course of action. What is the real issue here? What are you spending your time on? Honestly? *head drops looks up*  Instagram,  Facebook,  YouTube , and google-ing everything under the sun.  Somedays I am job hunting and applying for jobs I have no interest in, but the choir’s homily blurring my site of MY goals. (Another day's blog) Procrastination is quite popular; I'm doing it right in the midst of this blog.

How do we identify this life-sucking bug?

Here are some of the major symptoms you have been bitten…

Numero uno is avoiding unpleasant activities or possible results.

  • What if I mess up?

  • I don't wanna do it (all of a sudden we're kids again).

  • Why me?

Second up to bat is excuses disguised as reasons.

  • I don’t have enough time available.

  • I need _______before I can do it.

  • I'm not in the right environment.

  • I don't feel like it.

Then there is indulging in distractions.

  • Social Networking and/or Web-surfing (probably top of your list huh?)

  • Watching TV, Movies

  • Reading

  • "Good timing" with friends

  • Cleaning up (the thing that’s usually avoided til you have a project to avoid more)

  • Sleeping (I am the QUEEN of naps!)

Before I take another opportunity to NOT finish this post, let’s sum this up with a

Plan Against Procrastination

  1. FORGIVE ourselves for procrastinating, not meeting deadlines, leaving stuff undone, etc.

  2. GET BUSY. Having lots to do leads to more getting done, ironically.

  3. Make a CHECKLIST. Don't check it twice, cross it off!

  4. Phuck PERFECTION! Doing something is better than having a "perfect" nothing.

  5. Write out an "Unschedule" (Click the word to find out more)

  6. REWARD ourselves. Yay! I get something because I completed something.
Now we have a plan, let's get started immediately. No more phucking  around. We can't keep sitting around expecting success to come... SUCCESS IS AWAITING US! I Believe That We Will Win!

In the meantime and in between time be happy, be haelthy, be you. I love you!


  1. Don't be afraid to comment and leave feedback.

  2. I love it Gyrl ��������������. I phuck myself on the regular ������
