Friday, July 29, 2016

I Know You Hear Me, But Are You Listening???

I am notorious for walking around with headphones in with no sound coming through them. Why? Because I am not trying hear anything that does not feed my mind positive nutrition. I am not subscribing to the kool-aid! It works too. People think I can't hear them; they are partially right. I can hear, but I will allow them to think I can't so I don't have to listen. So today let's discover the difference between hearing and listening. 

Hearing is your ears recognizing noises. It takes no effort, it's involuntary, meaning it happens whether we want to or not. We accidentally hear stuff we're not "supposed" to hear... And then we start listening. Do you know the difference???

Listening my friends, is taking those noises that your ears recognized and decoding the message. Decoding is the conscious processing of the sounds and making sense of what was heard. However, that is only the beginning of listening.

I'd like to go more in depth on this listening subject. Introducing to some and presenting to others: Active Listening. As an educator, I tell my students to listen with their whole body, not just their ears. Your eyes should be on the speaker, my last group of kids taught me it's called "tracking". The art of conversation comes into play at this point. You want to be sure to respond to what someone is saying before interjecting your thoughts on the subject. Seems like most folks open up there mouths and respond to what is in their pretty little heads; definitely a sign someone is not listening.

When we are involved in conversation, we should seek understanding not to be understood. How often do we actually encounter that??? Test your understanding by paraphrasing what you just heard and listened to, not attaching any emotion to the what is being stated. At the moment you have done the above mentioned, you ladies and gentlemen are ready to speak. 

Now that we have distinguished the difference between hearing and listening, go out and practice your new skills. Wait! One last thing, try counting two seconds before responding, and keeping intermitten comments to yourself until the messenger is done withtheir do. you may even have someone ask "Are you listening to me?" And you will be proud to say, I am. 

In the meantime and in between time, be happy, be healthy and be you!

Thursday, July 28, 2016

DIY: How to Create a Great Day

In honor of #tbt I am sharing a vlog from last year. I watch it every now and again to remind myself. Even teachers need refresher courses.  Life is a series of remembering the truth. So here is your friendly reminder... Enjoy and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE!



Looking to make some extra money??? CLICK THIS LINK (A little info never hurt nobody...)

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

What's Cookin with Mimi Leut? Cheating with Frozen Chicken

Hey, us entrpreneurs gotta eat too! I generally like to cook meals that can be cooked within 30 minutes. This week I call myself cheating because I didn't stop at the store on the way home to fight long lines and underpaid, overworked clerks toget fresh chicken. Nor was I diligent and took chicken out to thaw for the next days meal. SO here we go.... 


In the meantime and in between time, remember I love you, I believe in you and

Wanna know what other products and services Mimi has to offer? CLICK THIS LINK

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

STOP Waiting For Perfection, Just Get Started!

I won't ask you to tell on yourself, but how many people do you know who are waiting to start something new? A new diet? A new career? Start a new business? Make a Youtube video? Sing a song? Write a book? Ooh-ooh what about a new exercise routine?

Ok, so now that we have someone in mind who's been talking about doing this, that and another... Let's talk about what to do next... GET STARTED! Don't wait another day, don't make another excuse. I remember hanging out at Kymatic Studios in St Petersburg, FL last Fall vibing with budding artists Topaz Hooper and aspiring artist. The second young lady was talking about doing videos to accompany her songs, but felt she needed to have this and have that. In response, I introduced them both to my my YouTube Channel, explaining that I too, used to wait. 

I wanted perfect lighting, I needed to be wearing makeup, be dressed properly and have a decent backdrop. I wanted to have my speeches written or at least some notes. an outline, Cliff's Notes, something. I wanted to feel prepared! And all those irrelevant concepts had anything to do with my message. Ironically, Miss Hooper asked me "Are you a motivational speaker?" Check please... I wanted to hide my red face and ears because the teacher just learned the lesson. I need to get started on my mission to be the top motivational speaker. The real revelation just happened now, as I type this blog. Where yes I have been posting videos, microblogs and blogs, but no I have not completed my profile on Gigmasters. I had not reached out to anyone about me speaking to their group or company. 

Obviously, I have some work to do... How about you? What step can you take to get started? I dare you to find the most minimal step. If it's a passport is what you desire. Go online and fill out the app, that cost zero dollars and maybe $0.30 to print it out at the library. Success is a series of baby steps. Don't wait for permission, don't wait for perfect circumstances, don't wait for the courage. And I promise your fear will be there when you get done, if you still need it. 

Today, I am sharing a video that I recorded in the process of moving out of my apartment, so the background is horrible. I wasn't wearing makeup, hell I was still wearing my robe! However, I did not allow any of this to stop me. The message was the delivered despite my imagined setbacks. 

Now I challenge you to make a move today. Come back and tell me about. Email me, I look forward to hearing from you. Get to work, the time is NOW!



Looking for an additional source of income? Click on this link and Select Opportunity

Friday, July 22, 2016

DIY: How To Be Happy

I appreciate you stopping by. Here are some quick tips on how to be happy. 

SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube Channel for more motivational videos and randomness...  Be happy. Be healthy. Be you! 

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Do Your Relationships Have Balance?

Are you one of those people who who checks your bank account's balance everyday? Or are you like me, I spend hoping there is a enough in the account to cover the swipe. lol no lol. Relationships , no matter the type or title, are a lot like bank accounts, there is a balance of deposits and withdrawals.

The balance is what is most importation being it is a reflection of the activity, recent and past, in the account ("relationship"). The deposits are positives accepted and applied to the balance, while withdrawals are taking away from that balance often viewed as negatives. If I make more and larger deposits than withdrawals, my account is healthy and growing, indicators of a positive relationship.
Adversely, if a person taking out more than they are putting in, it will yield negative statements.

Let's delve a little deeper and address other terms such as direct deposits and automatic withdrawals.   What would you consider as direct deposits in a relationship???

Let's propose that you are Christian and you attend service weekly; think that would be a direct deposit? What about waking up daily to your spouse and greeting him or her with a kiss and a smile? Or regularly scheduled outing or event with someone you hold an account with? Got you brain going? I think my daily routine of meditation, yoga, journaling and reading is mine... when there is some "technical difficulty" keeping that deposit to made into my being definitely makes a difference
in my balance.

Now let us consider automatic withdrawals. When I think of this idiom, what immediately comes to mind is the time and energy spend or love we give unconsciously. For example, if you are a housewife, you think nothing of getting up to feed the family and ensuring everyone has what they need and want. If you are a father, you may not contemplate how your going to work to provide for your family is both debiting from your personal "account" and contributing to the positive balance in your families lives.

So next time you encounter a "negative" person, keep in mind that person may be operating with "insufficient funds" and don't need to incur any additional charges and penalties from you. If you don't mind doing me  a favor, next time you recognize a person battling an overdrawn account, make a deposit of love.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Breaking News: It's OK To Make Mistakes


Give your self a break! If you could have done different you would have. We generally make the best decision we can at the time with the information we were working with. We ALL make mistakes; to err is human (to forgive divine). So while we're at it let's give those around us a break as well. 

It seems like people hold others accountable to a higher standard than they hold themselves. We hold our parents to a higher standard. We hold our children to the highest standard, when we usually haven't set such an example for them to follow. If I am not mistaken, mistakes aren't age or any demographic specific. I believe that there is really is no such thing as making mistakes. There are opportunities to learn, grow and develop. 

We are all works in progress. Moreover, be forgiving of yourself first and then begin to forgive those around you. One the most powerful books I have read, "A Course In Miracles", teaches that forgiveness is the key to happiness. By show of hands, who wants happiness??? Go ahead no one's looking... And if they are phuck 'em! They need some of this good juju too. Matter of fact, go ahead email this blog to them. (That's the cute little envelope at the bottom of this post.) 

Now go ahead and make some mistakes and smile thinking that you are being blessed with the opportunity to be a better you. I love you. I believe in you. I believe that WE will WIN!

Don't forget to Subscribe here and on my YouTube Channel!

Friday, July 15, 2016

I Know It's Friday, but don't lose Focus Entrepreneurs

TGIF huh? Very often on Friday's we feel the tired from all week built up on us and we're just ready to sit down and take a break. ""No sleep till Brooklyn"...Please don't think I don't condone rest periods, but understand resting and allowing your mind and body to rejuvenate is "doing something." We don't need you burning out before the finish line. I'll confess I am the Nigist (queen) of naps and mediation breaks. So, here is a quick vlog to keep you motivated throughout the weekend, especially if you are a budding entrepreneur who still maintains a 9 to 5.

Don't forget to Subscribe to my YouTube Channel. No, you will not get notifications all day and night from me, I am not that consistent...yet. lol. Happy Friday lovebugs. I love you and I believe in you. 
Miss [under]STOOD Mimi

Thursday, July 14, 2016

What's Your WHY?

Have you ever thought about what your "why" is? This week my focus has been on Focus itself. We've identified how to give focus to our vision, now what gives us focus in life? At my very first 5LINX International Training Convention I learned that why stood for 

               W hat
               H urts
               Y  ou   

So take a moment to think about it, what hurts you? What situation is bothering you? What difference do you want to make in the world? Whose life or lives do you want to change? What drives you to keep pushing? What problem do you think if you were in a better financial position? 

Be careful in allowing money to be your motivation. Your goal and dream will drive you more if it is not money related. Your WHY must be so strong, it will make you cry. If your WHY can make you cry, it can make you wake up in the morning, jumping out of bed, running to scratch the first thing off your agenda, to-do list, or first line of business. 

Now that you have figured out your WHY, find something to remind you of that WHY such as a picture. Definitely write it down. "It was written." Writing down our ideas reenforce them and give us an opportunity to get clear. Your WHY is tied to your purpose.  

On that quote, Im out...I love you. I believe in you. And I believe that we will win!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Stay Focused!

To continue with yesterday's blog Hey Entrepreneur, Your Vision Needs FOCUS! 

Focus is essential to success. My most successful mentors constantly told me that I needed to focus on thing, but for years I resisted.  (And I am secretly still in my own disguised way. lol) Focus changes things when you are in operation on a daily, weekly and annual basis. The level of production a nd achievement is higher when a person is focus. Laser beam focus. If you don't understand what that means, google it and replicate it in your thoughts and actions. The formula is simple...


In the meantime and in between, remember I believe in you! I love you! I believe that we will win!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Hey Entrepreneur, You're Vision Needs FOCUS!

As a serial entrepreneur I have see my share of business start ups, breakdowns and everything between. If you are an entrepreneur, first let me congratulate you for your courage. Its easy to get a job where someone else responsible for making the real decisions, taking the risks, providing the goals and roadmap to get there. Yes, a job may provide a sense of security, but if it's security you want , "We'll put you in a corner, cover you with a sheet, bring you 3 meals a day, look after you, care for you, feed you, protect you, don't let anything happen to you and you'll probably live to be one 100!" 

So this blog is for the pioneers, the risk takers, those not afraid to step out of the box or jump in the deep end. Being self-employed has it bumps in the road, but definiteness of purpose can pave the way. Having clarity and focus as an entrepreneur is eminent because there is no one there holding your hand, supervising or holding you accountable. It's all up to you. 

My focus today is to school you on the simple precepts I learned years ago and I constantly revisit. Every organization needs to understand and clearly articulate these tenets. Below you will find a list of questions to help you gain effective focus. Grab some paper and pen to write down the questions and the answers. 

  1. IDEA-What is it you do for your customer? Specifically describe, in detail, what product or service you are providing. 
  2. BENEFIT- What's in it for them...that is better than the competition? Your idea should ease or eliminate a pain for the consumer. In other words, what specific need are you fulfilling.
  3. TARGET- Who is your target consumer? How can they be separated from others? Again be specific as possible. How old? Income bracket? Geographical location? Spending habits?
  4. PERCEPTION- How do you want to be perceived? Perception can be some folks reality; be careful of the picture you paint of your self and your organization. Branding 
  5. REWARD- What's in it for you? Is it personal fulfillment, God given purpose and talent, to change the life of someone else? Your reward usually fulfills your why. Read my blog, What's Your WHY? 
Once you successfully answer these questions with as much specificity as possible, a plan will unfold before you. We'll call it our Mini Business Plan. Focus on following that plan. And your reward will manifest as well. What we desire, desires us. I believe in you. I love you. Be happy, be healthy, be you!

Thursday, July 7, 2016


Go to my YOuTUbe Channel and hit the subscribe button to get notified of new vlogs. Thank you for your support. I value feedback and if you have questions or topics for me, send me a message. Create a grrrrrreat day! I LOVE YOU! 

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Procrastination is Masturbation: Your Phucking Yourself in the End

DeMarco and Timothy Lister said it best “there are a million ways to lose a work day, but not even a single way to get one back. “

Everyday I think “I need to blog… today!” In the utopia of my mind, I am sharing a new blog with you daily. I have a plethora of information and anecdotes to share. What is the problem? Time? We, rather I have PLENTY of available time. Don’t know how to prioritize? Please believe, as a trained organizer I know how to prioritize and design a course of action. What is the real issue here? What are you spending your time on? Honestly? *head drops looks up*  Instagram,  Facebook,  YouTube , and google-ing everything under the sun.  Somedays I am job hunting and applying for jobs I have no interest in, but the choir’s homily blurring my site of MY goals. (Another day's blog) Procrastination is quite popular; I'm doing it right in the midst of this blog.

How do we identify this life-sucking bug?

Here are some of the major symptoms you have been bitten…

Numero uno is avoiding unpleasant activities or possible results.

  • What if I mess up?

  • I don't wanna do it (all of a sudden we're kids again).

  • Why me?

Second up to bat is excuses disguised as reasons.

  • I don’t have enough time available.

  • I need _______before I can do it.

  • I'm not in the right environment.

  • I don't feel like it.

Then there is indulging in distractions.

  • Social Networking and/or Web-surfing (probably top of your list huh?)

  • Watching TV, Movies

  • Reading

  • "Good timing" with friends

  • Cleaning up (the thing that’s usually avoided til you have a project to avoid more)

  • Sleeping (I am the QUEEN of naps!)

Before I take another opportunity to NOT finish this post, let’s sum this up with a

Plan Against Procrastination

  1. FORGIVE ourselves for procrastinating, not meeting deadlines, leaving stuff undone, etc.

  2. GET BUSY. Having lots to do leads to more getting done, ironically.

  3. Make a CHECKLIST. Don't check it twice, cross it off!

  4. Phuck PERFECTION! Doing something is better than having a "perfect" nothing.

  5. Write out an "Unschedule" (Click the word to find out more)

  6. REWARD ourselves. Yay! I get something because I completed something.
Now we have a plan, let's get started immediately. No more phucking  around. We can't keep sitting around expecting success to come... SUCCESS IS AWAITING US! I Believe That We Will Win!

In the meantime and in between time be happy, be haelthy, be you. I love you!