Wednesday, August 31, 2016

What's Cookin w/Mimi Leut: Eggplant Parmesan

It's Wednesday so we will be checking out the latest edition of What's Cookin with Mimi Leut? I do ask that you not judge my videos. The majority of them were filmed a few years ago. As we progress, there will be better footage available. However, I will not allow the plans of the future keep us from what is available here and now. Watch and enjoy!

I would love to hear how yours came out. Post comments below and feel free to share this post with those handy-dandy button at the end of every post. Until tomorrow, I love you. I believe in you. 
Be Happy. Be Healthy. Be You!

DIY: How To Use The Law Of Attraction

Dear Mimi,First, I want to tell you that your work is really motivating and changing mindsets. Thank you. Now I don’t want to sound stupid, but what exactly is the law of attraction? 
Curious Georgette -Los Angeles, CA 

Great question! I am glad the question asked; someone else is probably wondering the same thing . I know I mention law of attraction, LOA for short, quite often. Today we’ll talk about briefly what the law is and share 5 easy steps to use the law of attraction. 

The law of attraction is simply states that like attracts like. Thats's probably why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer right? Right. Whatever we concentrate our focus, or energy is what becomes manifest. The person that focuses on their abundance, tends to experience more abundant opportunities and experiences. The person who looks at life from the perception of lack, generally attract more lack, bills and negative experience. The Universe gives us what we expect. Us, westerners are more familiar with the term karma, what goes around, comes around, you get what you give, reap what you sew, etcetera. Basically the same premise. So forget about trying to clearly define it, let's talk about how to use this real, and very effective tool to create the life experience we desire. I found this handy-dandy little chart that spells it out pretty good. 

First you must decide what it is you truly desire. Form a clear picture as detailed as possible. I am sure you have had enough experiences to figure out what you do and don't want. My post Confusion Brings Clarity talks about that more. 

Now you know what you want, go ahead...ask for it. Don't be timid about what your heart desires. Don't care what anyone else cares, thinks or says. This is your life dammit. You can dream as big and wide as you want. Kanye West's lyrics come to mind often," If I always pray to have gleam on $300 jeans on, do that mean I dream wrong? " NO! Absolutely not. I did a talk once entitled "Honda Dreams" explaining that some people just have dreams of drving a Honda, while there those of us who desire Benz or better. To each his own. 

Ok, we know what we want and we asked for it, next we have to feel it. How will you feel when your desired outcome shows up? Focus on that feeling, nothing else, no doubt, no potential pitfalls, no haters, no nothing that does not feel good. Got that? Good. 

The next step is to offer gratitude to your God or higher power. Offer thanks in advanced. Just how you order your food at McD's, pay the cashier and say thank you, trusting that your food will be delivered. It's that simple! 

Lastly, trust the process. Trust your God. Trust the laws of the Universe to methodically serve you your highest, greatest good. However, do NOT be attached to the outcome. Also, don't try to control the situation or manipulate energy to bend your way. Source Energy got this boo! I often ask people if you wanna do everything, what is there left for God to do? 

Alright lovebugs, we have a plan. Let's follow it and see what materializes. I love to hear from you all. Feel free to email me your questions or results. In the meantime and between time, you know I love you. I believe in you. I believe that we will win!

Be Happy. Be Healthy. Be You!

Monday, August 29, 2016


The simplest form of the law of attraction is get happy, get laid and paid. Napoleon Hill wrote "The emotion of love, in the human heart and brain, creates a favorable field of magnetic attraction, which causes an influx of the higher and finer vibrations..." Two things that most people desire in life are love and money. 

The Bible taught me that a man who finds a wife, finds favor with God. (Prov 18:22) Im sure Abraham Lincoln would agree with that. His career didn't take thought until he met the love of his life, Ann Rutledge. Come to think of it, have we ever had a president that wasn't married? I don't know any successful CEO who is not married, even if it is just on paper. No empire is complete without a empress. I believe no empire can be built without a mastermind team, usually husband and wife. There is no President Obama without Michelle. Without mentioning Bonnie, who is Clyde? I don't discriminate. Success is success.  Attend any banquet where a man is being honored and I bet 95% will give credit to their wives.

Money and Love go together like peanut butter and jelly. Either a man has to get money with me, give it to me or put me in position to get it. I've always said is romance without finance is nonsense.We all know that money troubles are the biggest burden on any relationship, especially a marriage. Suntrust did a survey which revealed that 35 percent of the people surveyed admitted that money was the cause of their relationship stress. I do not care to be apart of that group.

I am more of a Happily Ever After kinda a gal. I believe in fairytales. I believe in the law of attraction. However, I will confess when I used to think I had to make a choice. Either have the career of my dreams and make a whole lot of money or have a man. I figured my being an A-type woman, I am already intimidating enough as it is. If I'm caked up, men would shy from me even more. I imagined that my personality would be amplified and I'd become one those women who feel like they don't need a man. I can have, will have, and must have the money and man.

One last thing, in my research I learned that way we treat money is usually how we treat our boo. With both money and people our relationships are emotional. Which brings us back to the law of attraction that teaches us to that being positive vibration, feeling good about that which we desire, allows it come. We'll talk more about the law of attraction later.

In the meantime and in between time, be happy, be healthy, be you! I LOVE YOU!

Friday, August 26, 2016

Wish You Had More Confidence?

You ever seen one those people who obviously incapable, but has the position? No wait, the big ugly guy with the super model wife? Or what about the thot that has that kangaroo pouch hanging from under the crop top? For real, real... What about that business that doesn't know WTH they are doing, but getting paid top dollar? What's up with that? You know what all these people have in common? Simply said. CONFIDENCE.
I'll never forget the young lady who inspired the entrepreneur in me to come out hibernation. I'm at this empowerment workshop in Tampa, FL. Standing at the front of the room is the enterprising woman wearing the most ridiculous outfit, forgive me for judging, who didn't know much. I had the answer to every question she asked us, but she couldn't answer the one question I had for her. Really? I sat there and asked myself "what's the difference between she and I? Why was she leading the workshop instead of me? I knew more!" It didn't take long for me to figure out that she had that secret weapon most successful people possess, CONFIDENCE. However, by the end of the session, the other attendees were asking for my card instead of hers. Oops... I took like it was a booster shot of confidence and started my holdings company and opened an online resale shop. Yay me... but after a while that shot wore off. 

I want that ugly dude from high school who had no problem approaching the most popular girls and who continues to be just as certain 20 years later sending Facebook messages. lol But for real guys, it is confidence that may be standing between where you are and where you want to be. If you don't have high self-esteem and confidence, fake it til you make it. Hell yeah! Pretend you are wearing an S on your chest under that shirt or blouse! I dare you to go stand in the mirror with your hand on your hips, chest puffed up and out, with that super hero stance. Y'all know what Im talkin about. Un-huh. 

Mock the behaviors or verbiage of the most confident person you know, not the cocky asshole, who gets his way, but nobody's happy about it. Listen to some confidence affirmations and meditations. As matter of fact say your own affirmations in the mirror while you are doing your super-You pose. 
I am CONFIDENT. I am certain I am a champion. I am a winner. I am confidence. I am ambition. I am a rockstar. I am a badass. I am successful. I am powerful. I am the best. I am perseverance. I am fearless. I am courage. I am bravery. I am wonderfully and fearfully made. I am all that and a bag of chips! I AM CONFIDENT!

I love you. I believe in you! Be Happy. Be Healthy. Be You!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

TBT: A Nut A Day Will Keep The Dr Away

In honor of Throw Back Thursday, I'm bringing back one favorite post. This one of my original blogging days post. It has been revised slightly. Ironically I was practicing the celibacy at that time, but I was curious of the effects of not having sex. Anyways, enough about me, hope you enjoy the post! Give me feedback and share it using the buttons below if you likey.

You know the old saying "an apple a day, keeps the doctor?" Well I say bustin' a nut* a day will keep the doctor away. Have you ever realized how chipper a person is after having sex, especially when its been a while. Think about that movie Deliver Us From Eva, Eva was a new woman! Wonder why? list "10 Surprising Health Benefits of Sex:"
  1. Sex Relieves Stress
  2. Sex Boosts Immunity
  3. Sex Burns Calories
  4. Sex Improves Cardiovascular Health
  5. Sex Boosts Self-Esteem
  6. Sex Improves Intimacy
  7. Sex Reduces Pain
  8. Sex Reduces Prostate Cancer Risk
  9. Sex Strengthens Pelvic Floor Muscles
  10. Sex Helps You Sleep Better
Me personally, when I had great sexin', I was happier and my body looked grrrrreat! With less than, I have a less than friendly demeanor and less curves. Im a slim sister who appreciates her coco-cola slim shape.

I wrote a poem once that said that "I've come to a point where sex is of nature, no longer of sin." Sex is as natural as the bird and bees. And come to find out we are not the only mammals who have sex for recreation and re-creation. Yeah, dolphins make whoopy for the phuck of it too, no pun intended.
Now this does not mean, by any means, go out there and start screwing random people because Mimi said "a nut a day will keep the doctor away." You may end up getting very acquainted with the doctor in the case that you are not making safe decisions. If you are married or in a monogamous relationship, then get your workout on!

There is nothing left to say. Ladies practice your Kegel exercises and keep it fresh. Fellas wash the family jewels just ONE MO TIME! Your lady or man friend (gotta be p.c.) will thank you! Any questions get at me... In the meantime and in between time, be happy, be healthy, be you!

I LOVE YOU today and always!

*bustin a nut means to have an orgasm.

[Miss]underSTOOD Mimi

(This is an updated version of an old blog.)

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Leftover Mashed Potatoes Become Breakfast

So last week I posted a video with Steak & Potatoes... Well here is the follow up of what to do with those leftover mashed potatoes. Easy-peasy recipe that I promise you'll love. Just take a quick watch. And don't forget to hit the Like and Subscribe buttons!

As always... Be Happy. Be Healthy. Be You!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Whatcha Doin In The Morning?

Are you the type of person that get's up before the chickens or are you like the other half of the worls that hits the snooze button 5 times at least? I'll have to be honest ordinarily I am in the first half, but lately I have been sleeping in past the masses.

My morning routine seems like it makes or breaks my day at times. One thing I do know for sure is a a healthy morning routine is the pathway to success. Very often my mobile device stays on "Do Not Disturb" until noon. Which means I ain't taking calls or texts, Im not available. And in the slight chance you encounter me before the culmination of my morning devotion, you will soon regret it. I get big and green, if you know what I mean.

Number one question I am asked it "What are you doing all that time?" While I am thinking "all what time? I need more!" Thats just my cut off time where I force myself to deal with the outside world.

So what does this morning routine consists of?

- qi gong
- a glass of water (or ACV tonic) 
- meditation 
- yoga 
- walk/run
- journaling
- reading
- visualization

None of the above ingredients have to be completed in a certain order. And in future post I will go into each. And if you have questions about any of the above mentioned concepts, send me a message. In the meantime and in between time stay focused on what feels good to you. I love you! I believe in you! I believe that we will win!

Be Happy. Be Healthy. Be you. 

Miss underStood Mimi

Monday, August 22, 2016

A Little Monday Motivation

Success is on the way people! Don't fret. Don't give up. Don't give in. You got this!

Friday, August 19, 2016

Feel Like You Need A Breakthrough Before You Breakdown?

Feeling like your about to have a meltdown? Hell, sometimes me too! Imagine the scenario…I just received news that rent is being raised and/or I gotta move by the end of the month. And I have less than $25 in my bank account. I say to myself Shift Happens and I gotta find the toothpaste, my ride is en route. My business partner pulls up with a nail in the tire. It’s not even noon, in which we have an important meeting scheduled. As a matter of fact it was 11:06! 

Great, like we can get to a tire shop, and out, with time to spare to arrive on time to the meeting. I believe that early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable. Ok, I called to postpone the meeting no problem, off to the tire shop. 

The tire wasn’t pluggable, but we were blessed for the tire man giving us a deal. We agree that this is just the Universe trying us and are ready to get this show on the road, we run out of gas before we can pull off. Really? Luckily, it was because it was because we were parked sideways on an incline. So the sweet young tire man pushes us onto level ground; the car starts. There is a God. And what I had to remind the both us of, is that the Universe is only conditioning us, testing our resolve. And anytime shit gets real crazy, something amazing happens. That’s exactly what I was expecting to happen next.

Oh something amazing happen alright. We pull up in the parking lot of the building where the meeting is and coffee spills in my seat, on the ass, down the thigh, of my white seersuckers. Come on Universe! I am expecting a day to wow me, but not like this. I was thinking something more positive, sheesh.  

I had been reading the Scroll Marked III, from the Greatest Salesman In The World by Og Mandino. Life transforming book! Mandino tells about how in the Orient young bulls are tested by putting them in the ring with a picador, who is ready to poke them with a lance. He instructs readers to be lions, not sheep waiting to be prodded by the shepherd. Well, I was feeling poked, prodded and put to the test!  I had to channel the inner bull spirit and prepare to be charge again despite the sting of life's blade. I am a lion. I will not walk, talk or sleep with sheep. I will persist. I will win! 
Just at the moment when you are ready to call it quits, can be the moment that brings your breakthrough so don’t give up. Do not get weary in well doing. Always remember that every obstacle comes with the opportunity to become greater, wiser, stronger and more than what you were prior to the lesson. Smile in the face of adversity knowing it is Source Energy’s way of molding you into what you have expressed desire to be and to have. We are not alone in our battle against adversity. Everyone is fighting some battle. Take courage my friends. This is all for your greatest good. And if you're wondering what did I do about my iced coffee butt, I tied a sweater around my waist, put on my bright red lipstick and said 
I AM a champion. I AM a winner. I AM successful at whatever I attempt. I AM abundant. I AM FEARLESS. I AM landing this deal with ease. I am trusting the Laws of the Universe to serve me my greatest good. I AM deserving of what I desire. I AM love. I AM all powerful. I am all that and a bag of chips! I am intelligent. I am charismatic. I am a game-changer. I am the best entertainment marketing specialist.  I AM perfectly created. I AM capable. I am prosperous. I AM a money magnet. I AM THAT I AM!

And so it is. I love you. I believe in you. Be Happy. Be Healthy. Be You!

Related blogs and vlogs:

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

DIY: How To Be A Great Leader

Do you consider yourself a leader? Well if you are not sure there are two precepts that preclude a leader. One a leader must have followers, but more importantly a leader must be able to lead themselves. If you can't lead yourself, how could you lead others. Today, we will use Dr. Ray Russell's Personal Leadership Model.

Dr. Russell interviewed 200 people to piece together this 5 point model. The first step is to create a personal mission statement. What is your vision? Read my blog "Your Vision Needs Clarity" for more that subject. A business or people without vision will perish. This is what you deem as your purpose in life.

Now that we have a mission statement , we will continue on treating our selves as a business and write out a personal business plan. Don't panic, this can be easy. Lets write out a list of 5 to 10 things we desire, intellectually,  physically, spiritually, and of course, financially. Under each goal determine 3 or 4 steps that can propel you in that direction.

Ok, so we know why here, what we came to do, now we need the energy to make it happen. We have to develop personal energy. My morning begins with qi qong, meditation, journaling, reading, yoga and a walk/run, drinking plenty of water. I do all this to build my mental, physical and spiritual energy up for the day. I recommend eating balanced meals including plenty of raw foods and vegetables. Having all your dreams come true won't do you any good if you have no energy.

The fourth point in the Personal Leadership Model is exercising personal empowerment. It is über important that you love what you do. In addition we need to have performance empowerment, being able to the get the job done, and interactive empowerment, being able get along with others. We have all seen it. Its that guy who knows his stuff, but can't carry a decent conversation when the meeting is over. Or how about the charismatic guy who everybody loves, but we all know he's not going produce real results. Being an effective leader definitely requires strong interpersonal skills.

To bring it all full circle is the final principle of leading by example. Just like with children that "do as I say, not as I do" is a bunch of bologna. We leaders have to thoroughly model our high level of standard to exemplify what we expect from those around us.  Furthermore, a true leader produces other leaders.

Leadership skills is what I believe is required to take person from S-quadrant, self-employed/small business owner, to the the business owner in the B-quadrant. You must be able to do duplicate yourself and delegate, otherwise business will not operate when you are not present. If you are anything like me you are working your way to being an Investor, handling business from from your yacht. I believe that we will win!

Be Happy. Be Healthy.  Be You!

Monday, August 15, 2016

BREAKING NEWS: Beware of Energy Suckers!!!

We have to beware of energy suckers in our environment. We need our energy to fuel our mission. Be sure to come back tomorrow to learn more about writing a personal mission statement.


Sunday, August 14, 2016

[Miss]underSTOOD Mimi: I AM GOOD!

[Miss]underSTOOD Mimi: I AM GOOD!: Go to my YOuTUbe Channel and hit the subscribe button to get notified of new vlogs. Thank you for your support. I value feedback and if yo...

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

DIY: How To Remember People's Name When You Meet

You ever meet somebody, and within 30 to 60 seconds you don't remember their name. It has happened to the best of us are victims to this. So today I'll give you a quick lesson on remembering someone's name.

Science says that saying something three tines creates a new neural pathway. Don't ask me where I got this, but I learned it somewhere. And it works! So here we go. Let's say I introduce myself,
Me: Hi, I'm Mimi the Motivator, thank you for coming to support the event.
You: Mimi?
Me: Yes, Mimi.
You: Mimi, that's a pretty name Mimi.
Then I introduce you to my friend Miss Marilyn J. You would ask clarification,
You:"Miss Marilyn J?"
 She would reply "Yes." 
You: Okay, Miss Marilyn J. Do I have to say Miss Marilyn J?
At this point you have said her name three times. And if you have ever sat in on one of here sets you would know and she will have you saying "Miss Marilyn J!"

Until next time my friends, be happy, be healthy, be you!

Monday, August 8, 2016

BREAKING NEWS: It's Okay To Be Choosey

See I picks my friends like I pick my fruit
& Ganny told me that when I was only a youth
I don't walk around trying to be what I'm not
I don't waste my time trying ta get what you got
I work at pleasin' me cause I can't please you
and that's why I do what I do
My soul flies free like a willow tree
doo wee doo wee 
-Erykah Badu

There is some place in our life where we were taught not to discriminate against other people. However we were told to judge a man "by the content of his character. " As an entrepreneur it is pertinent to be selective of the people and projects you align with. 

 Every person you surround yourself with is both a reflection and contributor to who you are. That why it is believed that birds of a feather flock together. The simplest form of the Law of Attraction is like attracts like. Now if you think for a second you are not like the people you associate with, wait a few minutes and you will begin to see the resemblance. Since I was teenager I have said "you hang around garbage you will stink like trash." Inevitably the people and situations we involve ourselves will affect the results we yield, or produce.

Take inventory of who is in your circle. Don't be afraid to recognize who and what situations no longer serve you. Furthermore, take the courage to eliminate or dissociate. In the journey of entrepreneurship you will have to separate yourself from friends, long standing business partners, and sometimes family. The great teacher, Jesus, warns us that "A prophet is not without honor except in his own town, among his relatives and in his own home." So PLEASE STOP expecting your  people to support you. The Universe will methodically connect you with the proper resources to manifest your desire.

I like to surround myself with people who doing what I desire to do, not what Im doing and definitely what I used to do. And it healthy to be around genuine people, forget the ass kissers and brown-nosers. I don't need a pat on the back when I'm not living up to my potential; I would prefer a kick in the ass. Me and tribe keep it one hundred because we know we desire to be greater. Real friends and business partners will challenge you to exercise your power of potential to have wishes fulfilled, goals accomplished, mission complete.

I encourage you to find some new people to add to your tribe. Attend networking events, become a member of an industry related organization. Hell, go pop a squat at a local bar and see who and what you come across.

Here's the real challenge: make it your business to meet at least one new person per week. If you are the type of person who frequents social settings, add one a day. If you wanna be an A+ student, get your new contact's information and reach out to them within the following 24 hours. Think you can handle that? Never-mind, don't think about it, JUST DO IT!

Friday, August 5, 2016

[Miss]underSTOOD Mimi: Mimi the Motivator Talks About Is-ness

They say living in the past creates depression, while living in the future yields anxiety. Peace my friends is living in the present, the "is-ness." In this video I discuss how the is-ness is the business, and how to recognize your is-ness. So what do you think your is-ness is??? The link below will help you figure that.

AND.... Don't forget to subscribe and share with the people you love. 

Be Happy. Be Healthy. Be You!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

DIY: How to Meditate for Beginners

I'm like Russell Simmons, I don't do shit until I have meditated, plus I journal read and exercise. Please believe nobody wants to encounter me prior. (Hell, I don't want to encounter myself before any of that. So today I'd like to make meditation as easy to understand and to practice. We'll focus more than practice. Meditation can sound complicated, but it's not. It does NOT require you to sit in a full lotus position or to stand or your head.

 I'll keep as simple as possible.Find a place where you can be undisturbed for the next 20 minutes. Sit with your back straight or lie down with palms facing up. I generally connect my pointer finger and thumb together, gyan mudra, but we will go in depth on another day. Close your eyes or lower them to a soft gaze. Start focusing on your breath, how it flows in and out. Then begin to control your breath, inhaling four (4) counts and exhaling four counts, pulling the air through the nostrils down to your diaphragm, your lower belly not your chest. When you wonder back into your thoughts, go back to your breath. (Please believe you will drift off back into your thoughts, return to your breath.)

Your thoughts will automatically subside, after a few conscious breaths. In the beginning you may get an influx or rush of thoughts and emotions pour in. Be gentle with your self, don't get flustered. Go back to your breath. Spend about 10 minutes in this position. You will notice all of a sudden you mind gets quieter. AND you will notice that you can hear the thoughts as if you are separate from your thoughts, BECAUSE YOU ARE! Now, I won't go any further in this post. Go sit your butt down and get to breathing!

I LOVE YOU! Be Happy. Be Healthy. Be You!

Monday, August 1, 2016

Shift Happens...

Shit happens so shift happens is what Ive heard... I can agree. The Universe has this methodical way of letting shit happen to shift our ass into gear. So instead of whining and complaining about your situation, find the "value in the valley. Napoleon Hill says with "every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit." And if you have been to a Christian Church enough times or actually have read the Bible you have heard the scripture "count it all joy." When I tell people to count their trials and tribulations as joy, they tend to look confused... Then that's when I whip out that Wayne Dyer "if you're irritated by every rub, how will you ever become polished?" That usually puts things in perspective and they smile.

I have to remind myself of this same ideology, on the regular. The best is when someone doesn't like the not-so-positive response from me. And that's when get a lesson on yin and yang, the balance between darkness and light, or more popular taking the good with the bad. Rain makes us appreciate sunny days more (unless you're a farmer). Likewise success without struggle has little value.

If your desire is to become mad successful, you may need to know that nobody wants to hear a story of someone going from good to great, from mountain top to mountain top. Noooooooo, we like those rags to riches story. We adhere to those "I was sleeping in my car homeless for years" kind of success stories. Because I know I will have success beyond my imagination, I just say "it's all apart of the movie." Then I correct myself, movie series. My story will be one those Netflix-binge-watching series. If you don't believe....just watch! Today I am including a link to a sermon I heard a few years ago from one of the greatest speakers/teachers I have come across. Hope it speaks to your situation and to your Spirit.

Don't forget... Be Happy. Be Healthy. Be You